MATLAB: How to covert a geoplot into an mage file in app designer.


I'm designing a application for my project. I have used following code to geoplot a datafile given below. I just want to take screenshot or export the geoplot into an image file.
latitude = data.Var9;
longitude = data.Var10;
gx = geoaxes(app.GEOGRAPHICALMAPTab); %GEOGRAPHICALMAPTab is a tab used as a geoplot container(where Geoplot is shown)
geobasemap streets
I have already used functions like getframe,copyUIAxes etc but none is working. Can anyone please help me ??

Best Answer

Hi Vishal,
From my understanding you want to take the existng plot and save it as an image
This can be done by using print method of matlab which allows you to save the image in required format,
Here is an example
latSeattle = 47.62;
lonSeattle = -122.33;
latAnchorage = 61.20;
lonAnchorage = -149.9;
geoplot([latSeattle latAnchorage],[lonSeattle lonAnchorage],'g-*')
geolimits([45 62],[-149 -123])
print('geoimg','-dpng'); % save a file geoimg.png
imshow(imread("geoimg.png")) % display geoimg.png
Hope this helps!