MATLAB: How to count the values in a column with different lower and upper bounds from excel

for loopimporting excel dataloopmultiple columns

Hi all,
I am trying to find solution for the following problem
a=D(:,2:2:6) % Col B: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 20 21 22 28 29], Col D: [1 5 9 11 12 20 29], Col F: [7 9 15 17 19 21 22 28 29 30]
lb=a(:,9) % Lower bound values read from Col I: [1 10 20]
ub=a(:,11) % Upper bound values read from Col K: [10 20 30]
ColB must be read first and the count based on each of the lower and upper bound ranges must be given as an output, and the loop must then read the data in Column 4 to again give output based on the condition of different lower and upper bound ranges.
Col B: [9 4 5]
Col D: [3 2 2]
Col F: [2 3 4]
What I tried is to get these values reading each column for different ranges seperately.
r1= sum(a(:,2)>=1 & a(:,2)<10)
r2=sum(a(:,2)>=10 & a(:,2)<20)
r3=sum(a(:,2)>=20 & a(:,2)<30)
Solution: [9 4 5]
did this again for Col D, and Col F (similar process in using Excel)
Highly appreciate for making this simple with a loop.
Kind Regards,

Best Answer

I think it will be solved by using this snippet
D = xlsread('data.xlsx','sheet1');
a = D(:,1:2:6); %or 2:2:6 as you proposed...
limits = D(:,[7 9]); % or 8 10
limits(all(isnan(limits),2),:) = [];
for ii = 1:size(a,2)
for jj = 1:size(limits,1)
r(ii,jj) = sum(a(:,ii) < max(limits(jj,:)) & a(:,ii) >= min(limits(jj,:)));