MATLAB: How to count the amount of excell row

excel rowrow amount

I have an excel file with 80×10. for the first column, it has number from 1 to 10 but appear in many rows. for example number 1 appear in row 1,2,3. number 2 appear in row 4,5,6, etc. I want to calculate how many rows having the same number in that column. How to code this in Matlab?
Please help me.
Thank you

Best Answer

How about using accumarray function? The following is an example:
% Sample data (column vector containing 1~10 randomly)
data = randi(10,80,1);
% Count how many times 1~10 appears
count = accumarray(data,1);
% Arrange the result
number = (1:10)';
T = table(number,count);
>> T
T =
10×2 table
number count
______ _____
1 7
2 10
3 4
4 3
5 8
6 11
7 9
8 7
9 13
10 8