MATLAB: How to count terminate leaves in decision tree

decision treesStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Hello All. I would like to ask you, exist any way how to count number of terminate leaves in decision tree? For example, I have two kinds of terminate leaves yes|no. I would like to know how many are yes and how many are no from all terminate leaves…Thank you in advance for your answer…

Best Answer

"exist any way how to count number of terminate leaves in decision tree?" &nbsp This is what I found in the R2014a documentation
load ionosphere
my_tree = fitctree(X,Y);
which returned "19" for this example (copy&pasted from the documentation).
"how many are yes and how many are no from all terminate leaves" &nbsp after some browsing of the documentation
is_leaf = not(my_tree.IsBranch);
cac = my_tree.NodeClass(is_leaf);
n_g = sum(double(strcmp( cac, 'g' )));
n_b = sum(double(strcmp( cac, 'b' )));
[ n_g, n_b, n_g+n_b ]
ans =
6 13 19