MATLAB: How to count number of iterations.

auto-thresholding algorithmiterationloopsave data

I = imread('Coins.jpg');
Id = im2double(I); % I is a uint8 grayscale image
T = 0.5*(min(Id(:)) + max(Id(:)));
deltaT = 0.01; % convergence criterion
done = false;
while done
g = Id >= T;
Tnext = 0.5*(mean(Id(g)) + mean(Id(g)));
done = abs(T - Tnext) < deltaT;
T = Tnext;
i want to count number of iteration for this program.! as well i want to store value of T at each iteration.!

Best Answer

count = 0
newT = zeros(1,100); % Try to presize to something big enough to hold all iterations if you can estimate it
while done
g = Id >= T;
Tnext = 0.5*(mean(Id(g)) + mean(Id(g)));
count = count + 1;
newT(count) = Tnext
done = abs(T - Tnext) < deltaT;
Presize newT if you can come up with a sensible bounded estimate, otherwise the warning you get is likely irrelevant anyway. Your code will be a little slower, but unlikely to matter in this case.