MATLAB: How to count length of array

arrayscellcell arraymatlab gui

hi all, im using GUIDE to form my gui.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
words = get(handles.editbox, 'string');
wordsarray = textscan (words, '%s'); %this splits up the string into an array
max_words = length(wordsarray) %this is supposed to count the number of words in the array
disp (max_words)
now, no matter how many words are keyed into the editbox, the only value returned is 1, when it should actually output the number of words in the input string. i know textscan splits the string into an array of words and i suspect that its only counting one dimension (only the row or only the column, because it stores it in a 1xK array, where k is the number of words, i think). how do i make disp() display the other dimension? or is there another function to output K from a 1xK array?

Best Answer

wordsarray is a cell array so the length is 1. try length(wordsarray{1})
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