MATLAB: How to count closely spaced muscle fibers in a cross sectional image

active contourareacountingdiameterhough transformimage processingImage Processing Toolboxmuscle fiberssegmentation

Given this image:
I would like to:
-count the number of mucsle fibers
-calculate the area of each of the muscle fibers
-find the min/max diameter of each of the muscle fibers
My initial thought was to:
-reduce noise by using sobel filter or canny edge filter
-use circular hough transform to identify the muscle fibers
-create active contours
I got stuck on trying to implement the circular hough transform.
Any and all help is appreciated Thanks Mohammad

Best Answer

I'd use a manual counting system to get a count of the fibers - ask the users to click on a fiber with ginput(). Then I'd threshold to find the bright white pixels. You might have to clean up a little to get rid of any white things that appear inside a fiber. So now you know the area of the fibers (=area of image - area of white), and the count, so you can get the average area of the fiber set.
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