MATLAB: How to count and reduce values in matrix

arraycell arraysfor loopif statementMATLABmatrix manipulation

Matrix input:
input = [
1 3 50 60
1 1 40 60
1 4 30 60
2 3 40 50
2 4 30 50
2 1 50 50
2 9 10 50
3 2 20 0
3 9 30 0
3 5 40 0
4 2 50 -20
4 2 60 -20
4 1 10 -20
4 1 25 -20
4 8 80 -20
% there are three 1, so 60/3, there are four 2, so 50/4, there are three 3, so 0/3 and there are five 4, so -20/5.
% 50-60/3 = 30
% 40-60/3 = 20
% 30-60/3 = 10
Based on the similar arrays in the first column, I want to find for example how many 1 are there. Then divide the forth column by that (for example 1 is 3 here) and then reduce the amount from the third column. The first output should be:
output1 = [
1 3 30
1 1 20
1 4 10
2 3 27.5
2 4 17.5
2 1 37.5
2 9 -2.5
3 2 20
3 9 30
3 5 40
4 2 54
4 2 64
4 1 14
4 1 29
4 8 84
For the second output, I want the same process, but instead of counting all same numbers in the first column, this time just look at the second column and count if there is 3 and 4 (for every unique number in the first column).
output2 = [
1 3 20
1 1 40
1 4 0
2 3 15
2 4 5
2 1 50
2 9 10
3 2 20
3 9 30
3 5 40
4 2 50
4 2 60
4 1 10
4 1 25
4 8 80
% for "1", there are two 3&4, so 60/2
% 50-60/2 = 20
% 30-60/2 = 0

Best Answer

a = input;
ii = accumarray(a(:,1),1);
out1 = [a(:,1:2),a(:,3) - a(:,end)./ii(a(:,1))];
t = ismember(a(:,2),3:4);
i1 = accumarray(a(:,1),t);
out2 = a(:,1:3);
out2(t,3) = out2(t,3) - a(t,end)./i1(a(t,1));