MATLAB: How to copy and paste figures from Classification Learner

classification learnerfigures

I am trying to compile the Confusion Matrices and ROC curves created by the Classification Learner App for the different machine learning algorithms. However, I can not find an option to copy the figure and I would rather not take screen shots because of the bad quality of the picture.

Best Answer

Hi Bijan,
I understand that you have the Classification Learner open and would like to get access to the figure window within it. The figure handle is not accessible by output from the "classificationLearner" function, nor through the "gcf" function. However, it is accessible through the "findall" function.
hFigs = findall(groot,'type','figure');
This will give you a handle to all the figure windows that are currently open. You can pick which tab of the Classification Learner to export by looking at the 'Name' property of each figure.
Once you have the handle to the figure you want, you can choose to save the figure to an image file, to a PDF, or just copy it to the clipboard. See the "print" function and "saveas" function documentation for more information on how to do that. Both "saveas" and "print" can output a file, but only "print" can copy the figure to the clipboard.
I hope this helps!