MATLAB: How to copy a problem description from a live script into MATLAB Grader

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I am trying to convert a live script into a MATLAB Grader problem. I already have the complete problem description (images, equations, formatting) written in a live script. However, when I try to paste it into the problem description field in MATLAB Grader, only the text copies. When I paste into another live script, nothing is missing.
How can I paste the entire description into MATLAB Grader?

Best Answer

When copying, items are stored in the clipboard. Each program has two clipboards – one that is public, and one that is private. Items in the public clipboard can be pasted anywhere. However, items in the private clipboard can only be pasted inside that program.
For example, when you copy the problem description in your live script, the text is placed in the public clipboard, but the images, equations, and formatting are added to the private clipboard. When you paste to another live script, you are still inside the same program (MATLAB), so everything pastes. When you try to copy to MATLAB Grader, however, you are pasting to a different program (your web browser), so only the text pastes.
In order to copy and paste using both clipboards, open your live script in MATLAB Online. Open MATLAB Grader in a new tab or window of the same browser. Now when you copy from the live script to MATLAB Grader, you are inside the same program (your web browser), so content in the public and private clipboards will paste.
You can upload files by dragging and dropping them into your current folder in MATLAB Online. You can also sync a folder on your computer with MATLAB Drive so that you always are using the latest version of the file no matter how you access it - MATLAB Online, MATLAB Mobile, or MATLAB Desktop.
You can learn more about moving to the MathWorks Cloud in Chapter 3 of the free, self-paced Teaching with MATLAB course.