MATLAB: How to copy a file to multiple folders using the command line

copy a file to multiple folders

I have tried to copy a file test.txt to multiple directories with one command:
for ii=0:5:175
for jj=0:3:90
for ii=0:5:175
for jj=0:3:90
source_dir=sprintf('G:/SYSTEM MATRIX - MCNP/phi%2dtheta%2d',ii,jj);
But I didn't succeed. Is there a way to do that in one command so I can copy a file or even a folder to multiple directories?

Best Answer

What does "didn't succeed" mean? Did it finish with no errors but there were no files there? Or did it give an error message? copyfile() takes the destination folder as the second argument, not the source folder. As if that wasn't bad enough, you're passing the string 'sourcedir' instead of sourcedir so it's not even passing the string you want it to. To fix, get rid of the single quotes. And make sure all folders exist before you call copy file. exist(folder, 'dir') is useful for that purpose.