MATLAB: How to convert values in a cell array into a form that can be used for calculations

cellcell arraydata formatmatrix

I'm sure this is a simple fix, but it's driving me crazy and I can't figure it out…
I'm using the code below in a GUI, and I need to get the data from the first row into a matrix that I can use for calculations.
data = get(handles.table, 'data');
y = data(1,:);
x = cell2mat(y);
Say I have two columns in my table, with values of 35 and 12. The cell2mat command is returning "3512" in a matrix, but what I need is "35 12". I need to be able to use the 35 and the 12 for different calculations.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

x = cellfun(@str2num,y,'UniformOutput',false)