MATLAB: How to convert the output of this coding to txt file formate using Matlab

image processingMATLABmatlab functionmatrix manipulation

HI respected MatLab community members,
could anyone help how to generate text file of it.
Thanks in advance for all kind cooperation and support.
R1 = 16; R2 = 12; R3 = 8; C1=[10 12 14]; C2=[28 18 20]; C3 = [40 24 26];
numPoints = 10000;
r = randn(3, numPoints);
r = bsxfun(@rdivide, r, sqrt(sum(r.^2,1)));
r = R1 * r;
Xs1 = r(1,:) + x1 ; % Extract Xs1 from row #1.
Ys1 = r(2,:) + y1; % Extract Ys1 from row #2.
Zs1 = r(3,:) + z1; % Extract Zs1 from row #3.
% Display the shell of points
numPoints = 10000;
r = randn(3, numPoints);
r = bsxfun(@rdivide, r, sqrt(sum(r.^2,1)));
r = R2 * r;
x2 = C2(1,1);
y2 = C2(1,2);
z2 = C2(1,3);
Xs2 = r(1,:) + x2; % Extract Xs2 from row #1.
Ys2 = r(2,:) + y2; % Extract Ys2 from row #2.
Zs2 = r(3,:) + z2; % Extract Zs2 from row #3.
hold on
numPoints = 10000;
r = randn(3, numPoints);
r = bsxfun(@rdivide, r, sqrt(sum(r.^2,1)));
r = R3 * r;
x3 = C3(1,1);
y3 = C3(1,2);
z3 = C3(1,3);
Xs3 = r(1,:) + x3; % Extract x from row #1.
Ys3 = r(2,:) + y3; % Extract y from row #2.
Zs3 = r(3,:) + z3; % Extract z from row #3.
hold on
axis square;
xlabel('X', 'FontSize', 20);
ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', 20);
zlabel('Z', 'FontSize', 20);
%Enlarge figure to full screen.

set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0 1 1]);
hold off
axis square;
xlabel('X', 'FontSize', 20);
ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', 20);
zlabel('Z', 'FontSize', 20);
%Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0 1 1]);
hold off
ix1 = (Xs1-x2).^2+(Ys1-y2).^2+(Zs1-z2).^2 < R2^2;
scatter3(Xs1(~ix1),Ys1(~ix1),Zs1(~ix1),20,'r','h','filled','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])
hold on
ix2 = (Xs2-x1).^2+(Ys2-y1).^2+(Zs2-z1).^2 < R1^2;
scatter3(Xs2(~ix2),Ys2(~ix2),Zs2(~ix2),20,'r','h','filled', 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])
hold on
ix3 = (Xs3-x2).^2+(Ys3-y2).^2+(Zs3-z2).^2 < R2^2;
scatter3(Xs3(~ix3),Ys3(~ix3),Zs3(~ix3),20,'r','h','filled', 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])
hold on
ix4= (Xs2-x3).^2+(Ys2-y3).^2+(Zs2-z3).^2 < R3^2;
scatter3(Xs2(~ix4),Ys2(~ix4),Zs2(~ix4),20,'r','h','filled', 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])

Best Answer

ix1 = (Xs1-x2).^2+(Ys1-y2).^2+(Zs1-z2).^2 < R2^2;
scatter3(Xs1(~ix1),Ys1(~ix1),Zs1(~ix1),20,'r','h','filled','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])
hold on
ix2 = (Xs2-x1).^2+(Ys2-y1).^2+(Zs2-z1).^2 < R1^2;
scatter3(Xs2(~ix2),Ys2(~ix2),Zs2(~ix2),20,'r','h','filled', 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])
hold on
ix3 = (Xs3-x2).^2+(Ys3-y2).^2+(Zs3-z2).^2 < R2^2;
scatter3(Xs3(~ix3),Ys3(~ix3),Zs3(~ix3),20,'r','h','filled', 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])
hold on
ix4= (Xs2-x3).^2+(Ys2-y3).^2+(Zs2-z3).^2 < R3^2;
scatter3(Xs2(~ix4),Ys2(~ix4),Zs2(~ix4),20,'r','h','filled', 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0])
Your code above is plotting the four sets of arrays you're selecting in the scatter3 calls -- but to write those data out you need to have saved them to local variables (or duplicate the selection again). Depending on the size of the arrays, this could create a very large file, indeed.
Do you really, really have to have a text file -- could you not use a MATLAB .mat file instead? It will have full precision of the results and be smaller. Other results will generally only have 6 or 7 digits of precision; if this is ok, then ok, but just need be aware.
ix1 = (Xs1-x2).^2+(Ys1-y2).^2+(Zs1-z2).^2 < R2^2; % select the boundary range set
X=(Xs1(~ix1); Y=Ys1(~ix1); Z=Zs1(~ix1); % save temporary subset
scatter3(X,Y,Z,20,'r','h','filled','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0]) % plot that set
writematrix([X(:),Y(:),Z(:)],'YourFileName1.txt') % write this set to a file.
Lather, rinse and repeat for the other sets...NB: you MUST create a new and unique filename for each of the sets; I just used a sample placeholder above. Use fulfile to build a fully-qualified filename if writing to somewhere other than the current working directory.