MATLAB: How to convert the matrix of 5799 x 1 double into 1933 rows of 3 x 1 cells


Is there a way to convert my matrix of 5799 x 1 double into 1933 rows of 3 x 1 cells? I am using mat2cell and I can't seem to find a way to do so without having to type '3' 1933 times…
%a is a 5799 x 1 double matrix
convert_to_cell = mat2cell(a, [3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3], [1]); %can't type so many 3s
I really appreciate your help!!
Just a note that a contains both postiive and negative decimal values…

Best Answer

[3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3]
so you need 1933 times so what you have to do?