MATLAB: How to convert the 1d into 3d data matrix

3d3d plotsconvert

Hi, how to convert 36000000 list data into 3D matrix data?
I simulated the matrix mesh scoring. the output results are showing like the listed value I don't know how to convert 3d data format.
my simulation mesh scoring voxel size was 300 x 300 x 400. the output is 36000000 listed data.

Best Answer

reshape(TheList, 300, 300, 400)
Depending on how the data was written, you might possibly need to use
permute(reshape(TheList, 300, 300, 400), [2 1 3])
permute(reshape(TheList, 400, 300, 300), [2 3 1])
permute(reshape(TheList, 400, 300, 300), [3 2 1])