MATLAB: How to convert tf2ss for MIMO system

1Control System Toolbox

Right now, I'm doing simulation that involve MIMO model. But the problem is I'm not sure with the result that was obtained.
Here is the command that I use to obtained TF of the model
g11=tf([134 295.2 53.5 0.5853],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
g12=tf([-0.03117 -0.006172 -6.789e-005],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
g21=tf([-9.083 -14.93 -2.62 -0.01219],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
g22=tf([0.06994 0.03405 0.004153 2.892e-005],[1 2.462 0.986 0.1108 0.0007886]);
Gspm=[g11 g12;g21 g22]
And I use sys=ss(Gspm) to obtain ss.
But the result look like something wrong. It's command sys=ss(Gspm) is wrong?
Anyone can help me?
Thank you in advance =)

Best Answer

There is no error in your code and the resulting sys is an accurate representation of your MIMO system.
hold on;
If your question is really about the number of states you get, this page might help.
HTH. Arkadiy