MATLAB: How to convert struct filed to cell array before R2016a


How to convert struct filed to cell array before R2016a? I want to convert mystruct(:).name to {'name1','name2','name3'}, where mystruct(1).name = 'name1', etc.

Best Answer

You could use the comma-separated list expansion
For example, if you had a struct with 3 fields as follows:
>>s(1).category = 'tree1';s(1).height = 37.4; s(1).name = 'birch1';
>>s(2).category = 'tree2';s(2).height = 37.5; s(2).name = 'birch2';
To convert the 'name' fields into a cell array A,
>>A = {S(:).name}
In your case, it would be:
>> myCell = {mystruct(:).name}