MATLAB: How to convert single column RGB matrix to image

imageimage segmentationMATLAB

I have a matrix of RGB values as shown below, and entire .txt file is also attached
pixels = [129 108 61;
117 96 51;
102 77 36;
94 64 26;
97 59 22; ]
I want to convert this into an image, and I tried like below but it gives 90 degrees rotated image:
new_img = uint8(pixels);
new_img = reshape(new_img, 407, 516, 3);
I have tried like below based on the one of the answer
pixels = load("hw4-image.txt");
new_img = uint8(pixels);
new_img = reshape(new_img, 407, 516, 3);
new_img = permute(new_img(end:-1:1,:,:),[2 1 3]);
expected image is:
But I got

Best Answer

If your code works, but you need a 90 degree rotation (clockwise), you can use the anonymous function below:
rot90CW=@(IM) permute(IM(end:-1:1,:,:),[2 1 3]);
pixels = load("hw4-image.txt");
new_img = uint8(pixels);
new_img = reshape(new_img, 407, 516, 3);
new_img = rot90CW(new_img);
new_img = fliplr(new_img);
daspect([1 1 1])