MATLAB: How to convert matrix into row vector

MATLABmatrix to row vector

Hey all,
I have a matrix of 2*2, I need to convert into row vecotr:
A = [0 1; 2 0];
Like this I need:
A = [ 0 1 2 0];
I don't know whether it is possible or not?
A= reshape(A,1,[]);
A = A(:);
using the above things I am gettig the column or row vector like below
A= [0 2 1 0] % row vector
A = [0;2;1;0] % column vector
But I need like this
A = [ 0 1 2 0];
Any suggestions and answers are most welcomed
Thanks in Advance.

Best Answer

>> A = [0 1; 2 0];
>> B = reshape(A.',1,[]) % you need to use TRANSPOSE!
B =
0 1 2 0