MATLAB: How to convert from matlab time to reall time and date


I have
ans =
But I need the time and seconds aswell, How do I get this ?
whith this information – I am trying to combine this with [x y]=ginput, as I want to take the times off a graph.
I have tried using
datetick('x', 'dd/mm - HH:MM', 'keepticks', 'keeplimits'); and datetick('x')
Any advise would be appreciated as I am not following the help pages for this problem

Best Answer

datestr(7.3684e+05,'dd-mmmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')
ans =
'25-May-2017 00:00:00'
or with some content in it:
>> datestr(7.3684e+05+13.42,'dd-mmmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')
ans =
'07-June-2017 10:04:48'
Best regards