MATLAB: How to convert floating point to binary bits with the given condition

floating to binary conversionmatrix

I have generated random numbers using rand() function.
Now I want to convert thsese random numbers to binary with a condition.
Condition- If the 4th digit after the decimal point is >5, then that number should be converted to '1' else converted to '0'.
Example- let 0.868694705363510, here the 4th digit after te decimal point is 6 which is >5,
so, 0.868694705363510 should be converted to '1'.
Similarly, 0.800068480224308 , 4th digit is 0, so should be converted to '0'.
Like the above mentioned example, I want convert the out1 matrix to binary.
Help me out
Thank you

Best Answer

Here I am taking you literally on the > 5 as not including 5 -- so it should only convert for 6, 7, 8, or 9 in that digit.