MATLAB: How to convert an ideal filter to a non-ideal filter

convolution of filtersfiltering imageimage processingImage Processing ToolboxMATLABnon ideal filternotch filter

Hey, everyone! My goal on this code is making non ideal filter with doing convolution of the notch filter and average filter. My teacher said this method. However,I do not know how to use 'C' part (convolution) to show as 'Output of Notch Filter'. (I know it will not be notch filter anymore after convolution but don't mind the name of the output). Please help me, this is for lab report and so important. I've tried to replace filt to C in 'imshow(log(1+abs( fftshift(I2).*filt)),[]);' part but I've got a error, can you fix this problem? Thanks for your attention.
Image is attached.
I = imread('woman-1_3.bmp');
%Notch Filter (Ideal Filter)
% Making non-ideal filter using convolution
filter_av = ones(3,3)/9;
C = conv2(filter_av,filt,'same');
imshow(log(1+abs( fftshift(I2).*filt)),[]);
subplot(121),imshow(I),title('Noisy Image');
subplot(122),imshow(log(1+abs(ifft2( fftshift(I2).*filt))),[]),title('Output of Notch Filter');

Best Answer

In the above code, the size of C is 3*3 due to the selection of the ‘shape’ in ‘conv2’ function as ‘same’. However, selecting the ‘shape’ in ‘conv2’ function as ‘full’, gives 'C' as output with size 202*202. Please use the below code to solve the error occurred while using 'C' in imshow.
C = conv2(filter_av,filt,'full');
Also, replace 'filt' with 'C' as shown below.
imshow(log(1+abs(ifft2( fftshift(I2).*C(1:200,1:200)))),[])
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