MATLAB: How to convert a string into its binary equivalent


I want to convert 2 strings (user_id & password) in binary equivalent and then concatenate these binary string. So that later i can get back both string separately. Both strings are 20 character long each. If less than 20 character then '*' will be appended to the strings.
I wrote this. But it does not work. Please tell me how it can be done?
user_id = 'banerjee.raktim';
password = '123456789';
len_id = length(user_id);
len_pwd = length(password);
if len_id < 20
x = 20 - len_id;
for i = 1:x,
user_id = [ user_id '*'];
if len_pwd < 20
x = 20 - len_pwd;
for i = 1:x,
password = [password '*'];
user_id = double(user_id);
user_id = dec2bin(user_id);
save user_id;
password = double(password);
password = dec2bin(password);
save password;
user_id_final = '0';
password_final = '0';
for i = 1:20,
t = user_id(i,:);
len_t = length(t);
diff = 8 - len_t;
for j = 1:diff,
t = ['0' t];
user_id_final = [user_id_final t];
save user_id_final;
for i = 1:20,
t = password(i,:);
len_t = length(t);
diff = 8 - len_t;
for j = 1:diff,
t = ['0' t];
password_final = [password_final t];
user_id_final(1) = [];
password_final(1) = [];
watermark= [user_id_final password_final];
save watermark;

Best Answer

user_id = 'banerjee.raktim';
password = '123456789';
user_id = [user_id repmat('*',1,20)];
user_id = user_id(1:20);
password = [password repmat('*',1,20)];
password = password(1:20);
userid_final = reshape(dec2bin(user_id,8),1,[]);
password_final = reshape(dec2bin(password,8),1,[]);
watermark = [userid_final password_final];