MATLAB: How to convert a rgb image to CLElab color space

digital image processingimage processing

I need to convert a rgb image to CLElab color space to extract some features.I came across rgb2lab() function which converts rgb image to CIE 1976 L*a*b*.
Is the CIE 1976 L*a*b* same as CLElab color space??I mean is that what i need?
If not, please help me how to convert RGB to CLElab colorspace.
Thank you.

Best Answer

I've never heard of CLElab and a quick search doesn't find anything related to colour spaces, so I think you can safely assume that you're looking for CIE Lab, which is commonly just called Lab (or L*a*b*).
So, yes, rgb2lab is the correct function.
Normally you convert to a colour space because it has the properties you need so you should know whether L*a*b* is the actual colour space you want.
Note that RGB is device dependent while L*a*b* isn't, so conversion may not be just as simple as just calling rgb2lab.