MATLAB: How to convert a nucleotide sequence data into complex number form such that base A= 1+i, G=1-i, C= -1-i and T=-1+i

conversion to complex numbernucleotide sequence

I wish to convert a nucleotide sequence data in the form of nucleotide bases like [ACCCTTTTGGACT…] into a complex number representation such that A base can be replaced by complex number 1+i, base G can be replaced by 1-i, base C can be replaced by -1-i and T can be replaced by -1+i. though a direct conversion instruction nt2int(seq) converts the sequence into uint8 data. But i need the conversion in complex number form and also need to add the resulting sequence in cumulative form so that other mathematical operations can be performed on the resulting sequence.

Best Answer

function J = convert2complex(S)
I = nt2int(S);
J = nan(size(I));
J(I == 1) = 1+1i;
J(I == 2) = -1-1i;
J(I == 3) = 1-1i;
J(I == 4) = -1+1i;