MATLAB: How to convert a matrix of cell to type double.

cell2matconvert cell to type doubledoublematrixnum2str

Hello Friends,
I have a cell matrix X of size NxD as follows:
X = [5.1000] [3.5000] [1.4000] [0.2000] 'sunday'
[4.9000] [ 3] [1.4000] [0.2000] 'sunday'
[4.7000] [3.2000] [1.3000] [0.2000] 'monday'
[4.6000] [3.1000] [1.5000] [0.2000] 'tuesday'
[ 5] [3.6000] [1.4000] [0.2000] 'tuesday'
[5.4000] [3.9000] [1.7000] [0.4000] 'sunday'
I want to convert it to type double. The last labeled column could be either type 'text' or 'numeric'.
I will appreciate any advise!

Best Answer

if( isnumeric(X{1,end}) )
result = cell2mat(X);
result = cell2mat(X(:,1:end-1));