MATLAB: How to convert a column in matrix from string to numeric


I am having a trouble of converting a string column in a table to a numeric type. I have a table imported from .csv file containing 6 columns with headers and 4 of them should be numeric and one is date in format yyyyMMddhhmm, delimitator is ','.
When I load it using readtable, it assumes that everything is a string and I can't convert the 4 columns to a numeric type. I have tried to convert it through many something2somethingelse converters, did not work.
I tried even:
data = readtable(['data' cell2mat(indexVars(i))], 'Format','%s%f%{yyyyMMddhhmm}D%f%f%f');
It returned:
Error using readtable (line 216)
Unable to read the entire file. You may need to specify a different format, delimiter, or number of header
Note: readtable detected the following parameters:
'Delimiter', ',', 'HeaderLines', 0, 'ReadVariableNames', true
Any ideas?

Best Answer

data = readtable(['data' cell2mat(indexVars(i))], 'Format','%s%f%{yyyyMMddhhmm}D%f%f%f');
'hh' is for 12-hr day; 'HH' is for 24-hr day. If is 12-hour, need the AM/PM suffix is probably the problem I'd guess.
But, you didn't show us a sample of the input time string to be able to confirm just what is the actual input format being used; but from the verbal description would seem to have to have used 24-hr days. So, use 'HH' instead.
BTW, if you have R2016(b?) or later, detectImportOptions often will do better as does more thorough probing of the file than does readtable on its own.
As suspected, use 'HH' instead of 'hh' to match the input file date format (24hr clock)
>> doc datetime
>> datetime('194905011800','InputFormat','yyyyMMddhhmm')
Error using datetime (line 636)
Unable to convert '194905011800' to datetime using the format 'yyyyMMddhhmm'.
>> datetime('194905011800','InputFormat','yyyyMMddHHmm')
ans =
01-May-1949 18:00:00
I'll grant seems like the error message could be far more informative than is and in this case tell you precisely what was wrong. In more general case at least could identify which field it failed on.