MATLAB: How to convert a cell column of numerical data in a cell array to a matrix or column vector containing those numerical data

cellcell arraycell2matcolumn vectormatrixvector

I'm dealing with a cell array as shown below,
A = {[1205:1:1211], [7]; [1881], [1]; [2449:1:2458], [10]};
and would like to convert the first column of cells into a column vector. In other words, I would like to have a column vector B that outputs the following.
B = [[1205:1:1211]'; [1881]'; [2449:1:2458]']
I tried using cell2mat but it does not work because it has something to do with the second column in A. I do not want to have to delete the second column of A either. How can I do this in a simple and easy to understand way? I would prefer having a solution that would work for however many cells of data that are in that first column in A.
I am using 2015a btw. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

A = {[1205:1:1211], [7]; [1881], [1]; [2449:1:2458], [10]};
B=cellfun(@(x) x',A,'un',0)