MATLAB: How to convert a cell array of structures into a numeric array

cell arraysformat conversionstructure

I have a cell array (1xN cell) from a database query, in which each element is a structure with a single field. That field is a string, but the strings always contain numbers. I want to convert this cell array into a numeric array. Although I could easily do it with a for loop, it seems that there should be a way to convert directly without using loops. None of the conversion commands work for this particular type of cell array and I haven't found an approach that works anywhere else.
In case it helps, this shows what I'm dealing with:
x{1}.Text = '100'; x{2}.Text = '200';
I want to use some conversion of this to another variable y so that
>> y
y =
100 200
Thanks for your help

Best Answer

temp = cell2mat(x);
temp = {temp.Text}
y = cellfun(@str2num, temp)