MATLAB: How to convert a cell array into a double array

cell arrayscell2mat

I would like to ask how to convert a set of cells (A{:}) in a cell array (A), to a set of double array.
A cell is let's say n by n cell, and the inner cell is m by m cell. In my case, I have 96 by 96 of A cell, and 5 of 1 by 5 cells for each cell in A cell array.
In this case, I would like to make the cellMatrix{1,3} into a double array, which becomes:
[0.1092 5.91663e-4 0 5.91663e-4 5.91663e-4;
5.91663e-4 0.0156 0.1044 0.0156 5.91663e-4;
0 0.1044 0.5570 0.1044 0 ;
5.91663e-4 0.0156 0.1044 0.0156 5.91663e-4;
0.1092 5.91663e-4 0 5.91663e-4 5.91663e-4;]
for every cell.
I have tried to use cell2mat(cellMatrix{:}), but it did not work.
It will be much appreciated for any help.

Best Answer

out = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)cell2mat(cat(1,x{:})).',CellMatrix,'un',0));