MATLAB: How to convert 8 digit “20171203” date to proper format


I am looking to convert dates of the following 8-diit input format "20171203" (3rd December 2017) into a proper date string which I can use for the x-axis of a graph. The dates are stored in a large 8784×1 matrix, with 24 date entries per day over a year. Can anyone help?

Best Answer

This works:
OriginalDate = [20171203; 20171204];
dn = datenum(num2str(OriginalDate,'%d'), 'yyyymmdd'); % Date Numbers
Check = datevec(dn) % Check Conversion (Delete)
Check =
2017 12 3 0 0 0
2017 12 4 0 0 0
You have to convert them to date numbers (the ‘dn’ assignment here) to use them with the datetick function.