MATLAB: How to control two axes over a single slider

axescallbacksguiguideimage processingslideruicontrol

I have the above code:
handles.SliderFrame = uicontrol('Style','slider','Position',[60 20 400 50],'Min',1,'Max',NumFrames,'Value',1,'SliderStep',[1/NumFrames 2/NumFrames],'Callback',@XSliderCallback);
handles.SliderFrame2 = uicontrol('Style','slider','Position',[60 20 400 50],'Min',1,'Max',sno_s,'Value',slice2,'SliderStep',[1/(sno_s-1) 10/(sno_s-1)],'Callback',@XSliderCallback);
handles.Text1 = uicontrol('Style','Text','Position',[180 420 60 30],'String','Current frame');
handles.Edit1 = uicontrol('Style','Edit','Position',[250 420 100 30],'String','1');
function XSliderCallback(~,~)
handles = guidata(gcf);
%// Here retrieve MyMatrix using getappdata.
MyMatrix = getappdata(hFig, 'MyMatrix');
idx = round((get(handles.SliderFrame, 'Value')));
idx2 = round((get(handles.SliderFrame2, 'Value')));
filelist = handles.filelist;
frameindex = max(1, min(idx, NumFrames));
handles.frameindex = frameindex+1;
ff = filelist{frameindex};
image(handles.axes1, I(idx));
[~, basename, ~] = fileparts(ff);
title( basename);
image(handles.axes2, im3(idx2));
imshow(squeeze(im3(:,:,idx2,:)),'XData',[1 592], 'YData',[1 481])
image(handles.axes3, im4(idx));
It is working. The problem is that I need to modify it somehow that it can alter both axes1 and axes2 the images on them. As it is now, it shows a static image on axes1 and it moves the image in axes2.
I know how to modify it to move the images in axes1, but that means I have to delete several lines for axes2. How can I do it work for both axes at the same time?

Best Answer

Your sliders are in exactly the same screen position. You create slider2 second so it is on top. Clicks go to the top item only in most circumstances. So the slider on the bottom, slider1, is never receiving clicks to know to update.