MATLAB: How to constructing a matrix of repeated rows v

indexingmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

If I have an arbitrary matrix A and a row vector v of 1 row and the same number of columns as A.
Suppose I want to construct a matrix Q of the same size as A where every row in Q is the vector v.
Illustrative example:
A=[ 1 1 1; 2 2 2; 3 3 3; 4 4 4]; v=[5 5 5];
%I want to create Q s.t
Q=[5 5 5; 5 5 5 5; 5 5 5 5; 5 5 5 5];

Best Answer

Either of the following would work
>> Q=repelem(v,size(A,1),1)
>> Q=repmat(v,size(A,1),1)
but note that it's not normally something you need or want to do. Matlab has deliberately provided implicit expansion,
or for older Matlab versions bsxfun,
to avoid such copying in many common situations.