MATLAB: How to construct a script to create a vector of variables from many different scripts


At the moment I have a script for each set of data I am working with (a bad way of doing things I am sure), which performs the same calculations on each data set.
I want to write a script which stores the same variable from each script into a vector. However, when I run the following script, it obtains each variable value fine, but when storing it in the vector, the preceding variable value is set to 0, so I end up with a vector of zeros with only the last value non-zero.
Here is what I've attempted to far, trying to construct a vector of data file lengths:
I end up with a vector[0 0 filelength(from Script3)]
Sorry if this explanation is a little convoluted, I hope it is understandable.
Many thanks for any help with this matter

Best Answer

check your scripts, is there any "clear" insstruction; or is your variable "metaCSstat" used in those scripts? I notice also in your example you are using two differtents variables: