MATLAB: How to construct a dataset array from data on an excel worksheet with an unknown number of rows

dataset excel importStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I would like to construct a dataset array from data on an Excel worksheet. I know the location of the upper left corner of the data and the number of columns, but not the number of rows. So I can't use for example ds = dataset('XLSFile','Sheet','mysheet',Range,'G8:H25') because I don't know where the lower right hand corner is. I do know that the sheet is blank below the last row of data of interest and also blank to the right of the last column of data of interest, with no entirely blank columns or rows in between. So it would be nice if I could just specify the range using the upper left corner, e.g. 'G8', but this is not accepted by the dataset constructor. I would appreciate any solutions that you may suggest.

Best Answer

Jonathan, it's possible to use named ranges per the XLSREAD reference page, but that may not solve your problem. I don't know of a way to specify a range like b5: without a lower right corner.
Hope this helps.