MATLAB: How to construct a cell array from another cell array

cell arrayindexingpermutation

I have a cell array with a variable number of cells and a variable number of elements within each cell. For instance, it could by V{1}{1}=1 2 3 4, V{1}{2}=3 4 1 0,V{1}{3}=3 5 -1 -9, and V{2}{1}=-1 -2 9, V{2}{2}= 0 9 6, i.e., the cell 1 has 3 vectors of length 4 elements and the cell 2 has 2 vectors of length 3. I want to construct another cell array such that it has all combinations of these vectors, here I could have 6 combinations (3*2=6). The new cell array has to be of length 6 cells (number of possible combinations), and each cell has a possible combinations, for example A{1}={1 2 3 4 and -1 -2 9} and A{2}={1 2 3 4 and 0 9 6} . Note that I will get these vectors from a matlab code so I do not know them in advance.

Best Answer

This fits the description from your comment under your question. It horizontally concatenates all combinations of the row vectors stored in V{1} and V{2}.
% Demo data
V{1}{1} = 1:4; % vec1 1x4
V{1}{2} = 2:5; % vec2 1x4
V{1}{3} = 3:6; % vec3 1x4
V{2}{1} = 1:3; % vec4 1x3
V{2}{2} = 2:4; % vec5 1x3
[v1idx, v2idx] = ndgrid(1:numel(V{1}), 1:numel(V{2}));
D = cellfun(@(a,b)horzcat(a,b),{V{1}{v1idx(:)}}, {V{2}{v2idx(:)}}, 'UniformOutput', false)
% D = {[vec1,vec4], [vec2,vec4], [vec3,vec4], [vec1,vec5], [vec2,vec5], [vec3,vec5]}
Version 2: when number of sub-cells in V is variable.
cellCount = num2cell(1:numel(V));
nCellIdx = cellfun(@(x)1:numel(x), V, 'UniformOutput', false);
cellGrid = cell(size(nCellIdx));
[cellGrid{:}] = ndgrid(nCellIdx{:});
matGrid = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)x(:),cellGrid,'UniformOutput',false)); % Each row is the index for 1 cell
D = cell(1,size(matGrid,1));
for i = 1:size(matGrid,1)
D{i} = cellfun(@(ci,sci)V{ci}(sci),cellCount, num2cell(matGrid(i,:)));
D(i) contains the sub-cell indices listed in matGrid(i,:).