MATLAB: How to constrain a fitted curve through specific points like the origin in MATLAB

constraincurvefittingfminconMATLABoptimizationOptimization Toolboxpolyfit

I would like to use the POLYFIT function or the Curve Fitting Toolbox to impose linear constraints on fitted curves to force them to pass through specific points like the origin.

Best Answer

Constraining a fitted curve so that it passes through specific points requires the use of a linear constraint. Neither the POLYFIT function nor the Curve Fitting Toolbox allows specifying linear constraints. Performing this operation requires the use of the LSQLIN function in the Optimization Toolbox.
Consider the data created by the following commands:
c = [1 -2 1 -1];
x = linspace(-2,4);
y = c(1)*x.^3+c(2)*x.^2+c(3)*x+c(4) + randn(1,100);
You can view the unconstrained fit to a third-order polynomial (using POLYFIT) via:
hold on
c = polyfit(x,y,3);
yhat = c(1)*x.^3+c(2)*x.^2+c(3)*x+c(4);
However, if you wish to constrain the fit to go through a specific point, for example (x0, y0) where:
x0 = 1;
y0 = 10;
use the LSQLIN function in the Optimization Toolbox to solve the linear least-squares problem with a linear constraint, as in the following example:
x = x(:); %reshape the data into a column vector
y = y(:);
% 'C' is the Vandermonde matrix for 'x'
n = 3; % Degree of polynomial to fit
V(:,n+1) = ones(length(x),1,class(x));
for j = n:-1:1
V(:,j) = x.*V(:,j+1);
C = V;
% 'd' is the vector of target values, 'y'.
d = y;
% There are no inequality constraints in this case, i.e.,
A = [];
b = [];
% We use linear equality constraints to force the curve to hit the required point. In
% this case, 'Aeq' is the Vandermoonde matrix for 'x0'
Aeq = x0.^(n:-1:0);
% and 'beq' is the value the curve should take at that point
beq = y0;
p = lsqlin( C, d, A, b, Aeq, beq )
% We can then use POLYVAL to evaluate the fitted curve
yhat = polyval( p, x );
% Plot original data
hold on
% Plot point to go through
% Plot fitted data
hold off