MATLAB: How to connect generic battery to an electrical circuit which is created using Simscape?

battery_system_managementgeneric batterypower_electronics_controlSimscapesimulink

I am trying to create a dcdc converter and for some reasons need the battery in the circuit. But it is not getting connected with the circuit elements.

Best Answer

Hello, Mirza,
Yes, that is possible. There are a couple of options:
1) Use SimPowerSystems Simscape Components. The blocks in this library are Simscape compatible, and there is a battery block that may suit your needs. Alternatively, you can download a battery cell block from here:
and parameterize its equivalent circuit using experimental data if you have it using Parameter Estimation.
2) Use the Interface Elements in the SimPowerSystems Specialized Technology library. Those blocks allow you to connect SimPowerSystems Specialized Technology with Simscape blocks.
Please let me know if this answers your question.