MATLAB: How to connect an oscilloscope (For example: HANTEK 1008) to MATLAB using USB Interface

1008controlhantekinstrumentInstrument Control Toolboxoscilloscopetoolbox

How do I connect an oscilloscope (For example: HANTEK 1008) using USB Interface?

Best Answer

Please check the device manual/data sheet of the device at the vendor website too see if it USB Interface. If the device supports the USB interface,  you can use VISA-USB Interface from Instrument Control Toolbox. For this, the instrument needs to support the VISA communication. 
The vendor can confirm this information. If the device supports the VISA communication, in that case, you can download NI-VIsa support package by following the steps mentioned in the below link:
Once you install the support package, you can create the Visa object as mentioned in the documentation link below:
Before you create a VISA object, you must find the instrument in the appropriate vendor VISA explorer (Using the Ni-MAX software which is downloaded with the NI-VISA Support packatge). When you find the instrument configured, note the resource string and create the object using that information.
If you confirm that the device supports the Visa standard and then you install the support package,
Alternatively, if the device support visa, you can get the DLLs from the vendor and you can use 'loadlibrary' function in base MATLAB to communicate with the instrument.