MATLAB: How to connect a Simulink output signal to a Simscape input circuit


Hello all, I have modelled a battery with Simulink components and I would like to connect its output voltage to a DC/DC boost converter. But, this converter has been developed in Simscape with a DC voltage component at the input. In other words, I would like to remove this DC voltage component and use the battery output.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Victor Perez

Best Answer

Hi Victor,
Instead of using the DC Voltage Source block, you can use the Controlled Voltage Source block instead. The Controlled Voltage Source block takes in a control input in the Simulink domain, and outputs a voltage signal in the Simscape Power Electronics domain. You can set the source to act as an AC or DC source, as well as set the initial amplitude of the source.
More information about the Controlled Voltage Source block can be found at the following link:
Dan Wade
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