MATLAB: How to connect a line between two moving points

fanimatorfplotlinesliding crank mechanism

Hello! I am trying to model a sliding-crank mechanism using fanimator's and simple fplot's. I´ve managed to model the movement of the "crank" or the circle, and also the movement of the "slide" or the horizontal movement. But I am asked to unite these moving points with a line (that can move obviously with them and without changing its lenght) in order to represent the "connecting rod" to finish the mechanism. So, how can I make this line so when the "animation" runs the mechanism looks complete?
f = @(t) plot(r*cos(t), r*sin(t), "ro", "MarkerFaceColor", "r", "MarkerSize", 16);
fanimator(f,"AnimationRange", [0 6*pi]);
hold on
g = @(t) plot(r*cos(t)+sqrt(l^2-r^2*sin(t)*.2),0, "ro", "MarkerFaceColor", "r", "MarkerSize", 16);
fanimator(g,"AnimationRange", [0 25]);
hold off
syms t
x = r*cos(t);
y = r*sin(t);
x1 = t;
y1 = t-t;
hold on
fplot(x, y, [0,2*pi])
hold off
hold on
fplot(x1, y1, [15, 25])
title("Linea Recta")
hold off

Best Answer

Hi Pablo,
Assuming you want to join the points representing the "crank" and the "slide", you can do this in a similar way how you generated the points. You can include the following lines in your script:
fanimator(rod,"AnimationRange",[0 6*pi]);
Here rod is a line connecting the points representing the "crank" and the "slide" and fanimator enables the rod to move along with the points for the same time as "crank" (6*pi).
Hope this helps