MATLAB: How to Configure “use ieee.std_l​ogic_unsig​ned.all; ” in HDL Coder

HDL CoderMATLABsimulinkuse ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;vhdl

Is it possible to configure HDL Coder to generate VHDL code using "use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; " package ?

Best Answer

The use of std_logic_unsigned, while convenient, is not supported by HDL Coder. Many people in the industry feel the use of the std_logic_unsigned and std_logic_signed packages can lead to a lack of clarity in VHDL code. The explicit use of the signed, unsigned, and std_logic types is a code style that leads to an unambiguous definition of each signal's type and an indication of what operations are permitted. This style is what is supported by HDL Coder.