MATLAB: How to Concetanate Arrays in a Struct


Hi. I want to chain the two arrays together in a 1×2 struct. In the command window, this also works perfectly (either via vertcat or via […; …]). However, it does not work after integration into the code. Any ideas?
Here is the Code ( I want to connect the different Arrays from the Field "Durchschnittswert") :
for idx_act_Channel=1:size(idx_Channel,2)
% ein Resultat --> Durchschnitt innerhalb dieses Intervalls
MasterResult(idx_loopi).Durchschnittswert(counter,idx_act_Channel)= mean(test(idx_loopi).Channels(idx_act_Channel).Data(idxStart:i));
MasterResult(idx_loopi).Maximalwert(counter,idx_act_Channel)= max(test(idx_loopi).Channels(idx_act_Channel).Data(idxStart:i));
MasterResult(idx_loopi).Minimalwert(counter,idx_act_Channel)= min(test(idx_loopi).Channels(idx_act_Channel).Data(idxStart:i));
%Umwandlung in Tabelle
Modus = struct2table(MasterResult);
%Aneinanderreihen der Daten der eingelesenen Files
%(vertikal) ! - aber kann nicht integriert werden?
%ModusMio = vertcat(Modus.Durchschnittswert{1,1}, Modus.Durchschnittswert {2,1}, Modus.Durchschnittswert {3,1});
%vertcat (Modus.Durchschnittswert{1,1}, Modus.Durchschnittswert {2,1}, Modus.Durchschnittswert {3,1});
And this is the Struct

Best Answer

You were close with your commented code.
%see what this returns?
%you can concatenate that comma separated list: