MATLAB: How to compute RMSE for Color Image ?

image analysis

I wish to compute RMSE for color images and I applied the code below was to compute RMSE for grayscale image.
Please will this same code be applicable to (RGB) color image ??
% RMSE for Grayscale Images
data = imread('woman_GT[1-Original].bmp'); % Read real data
estimate = imread('woman_GT[8-Our Method].bmp'); % Read predicted data
rmseResults=RMSE(data,estimate); % Compute RMSE
% Alert user of the answer.
message = sprintf('The Root mean square error is %.3f.', rmseResults);

Best Answer

If the function you are using is from this FEX submission, then yes, it will work. The interpretation of the RMSE might be more difficult, or it might not even make sense.
The root mean square error is just that: sqrt(mean(err^2)), so as long as you modify that to support vectors or matrices, it should work.