MATLAB: How to compute integral when one of the limits is a vector

function handleintegralvector

Hello everyone,
I am trying to use the function integral to evaluate a function handle in a vector, such as:
FunctionToEvaluate = @(x) integral(@(z) z.^2+1, 0, x, 'ArrayValued',1)
EvaluatedFunction = FunctionToEvaluate([1 2 3])
but I am getting an error saying:
Error using integral (line 85)
A and B must be floating-point scalars.
Is there any way to avoid this error and evaluate the function in a vector?
Thank you in advance for your help!

Best Answer

If you want to use all the points in x as the limits one after the other, then following is the way to do that
FunctionToEvaluate = @(x) arrayfun(@(x_) integral(@(z) z.^2+1, 0, x_) , x);
EvaluatedFunction = FunctionToEvaluate([1 2 3])
>> EvaluatedFunction
EvaluatedFunction =
1.3333 4.6667 12.0000