MATLAB: How to compute for the distance between two tensors using matlab


Consider two tensors X={(0 2;1 3), (1 4; 5 6)} and Y={(4 3; 2 1), (2 5; 6 2)}. I want to compute the distance between these two tensors in matlab. Can anyone help me make the matlab code of it. I am not that too familiar with matlab thanks

Best Answer

It depends on how you define "distance". There are many different ways you could do that in principle. One way would be to use the element-wise p-norm: for a 3-D tensor A, this is given by and can be computed in MATLAB by norm(A(:),p). For example, for the 2-norm:
>> X=zeros(2,2,2);
>> X(:,:,1) = [0 2;1 3];
>> X(:,:,2) = [1 4; 5 6];
>> Y=zeros(2,2,2);
>> Y(:,:,1)= [4 3; 2 1];
>> Y(:,:,2) = [2 5; 6 2];
>> A = X-Y;
>> p = 2;
>> distance = norm(A(:),p)
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