MATLAB: How to compute distance efficiently with no loops

distancepdistwithout loop.

I have matrices for points (not the same number of rows for P1 and P2) like this
P1=[12 45
34 7 ]
P2= [1 42 25
2 37 57
3 55 16]
What I what is to get the Manhattan (cityblock) distance between points in P1 (X and Y coordinates are in column 1 and 2) and those in P2 (X and Y are in column 2 and 3, the first one are indices of the points.
What I have been doing so far and works but very slow is with a nested for loop. But recently I saw pdist2 and I think it can help me avoid the loop.
But in the example, I need to put the whole matrix something like this
pdist2(P1,P2, 'cityblock');
But in my case, I want to use the columns of my matrices col as follows
abs(xP1(col1) - xP2(col2)) + abs(yP1(col2) - yP2(col3))
How can I do it or is there any faster way to do it (because i saw someone stating that even pdist uses nested for) since my matrices are quite big?

Best Answer

Most likely:
pdist2(P1, P2(:, [2 3]), 'cityblock')