MATLAB: How to compute correlation coefficient without using any matlab functions Except the mean function

i need help

how i can compute a correlation coefficient which accepts as input two arrays x and y of the same length representing the data sample and, returns their correlation coefficient (i loaded the x and y inputs as arrays). without using any matlab functions Except the mean function.

Best Answer

Using the Wikipedia definition of the Pearson product-moment correlation for a sample, this works:
x = randi(10,25,1); % Create Data

y = randi(10,25,1); % Create Data
xm = mean(x);
ym = mean(y);
[sxy,s2x,s2y] = deal(0,0,0);
for k1 = 1:length(x)
sxy = sxy + (x(k1)-xm)*(y(k1)-ym);
s2x = s2x + (x(k1)-xm)^2;
s2y = s2y + (y(k1)-ym)^2;
r = sxy / (sqrt(s2x)*sqrt(s2y));