MATLAB: How to compute all the possible differences of the vectors in a matrix

matrixmatrix manipulation

Hi all,
I have a problem: given a matrix A such as
A = [1,2,3;
is there any matlab function that returns a matrix with all the possible differences of rows? I mean: a matrix in which I have in the first row (1,2,3)-(4,0,1)=(-3,2,2), in the second row (1,2,3)-(2,3,5)=(-1,-1,-2) and so forth for all the rows? In other words I want to compute all the possible combinations of differences.
Thank you very much

Best Answer

result = A - permute(A, [3 2 1])
would return a size(A, 1) x size(A, 2) x size(A, 1) array where result(i, :, j) is the difference between A(i, :) and A(j, :)