MATLAB: How to compile a fortran 90 code (45 pages) on Windows with MATLAB 2012a/2013b? Which Fortran compiler do you recommend

fortran 90matlab r2012amatlab r2013bmex filewindows

My project involves running a 45-page Fortran 90 code on windows 7 using the MATLAB R2012a version. I will soon have the R2013b version but in the meantime, I need help with calling a '.F90' file from MATLAB R2012a. Could anyone please provide a step-by-step procedure/useful reference on how to build a suitable mex-file and which Fortran 90 compiler would you recommend? Thank you and I look forward to your reply.

Best Answer

You did not indicate whether you are using 32 bit or 64 bit, but the answer is the same for both.
Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011
This is the only Fortran compiler supported in MS Windows for that version of MATLAB.